Pickup sports are a great way to get active, meet new people and play the sports that you love. Although, pickup games do have their issues. Either you can't find enough people to play with, you have an uneven amount, or it can be hard to find people with the same ability level.
What if this problem could be solved with a click of a button? Backyard is a community-driven app that connects amateur athletes with pickup games happening near them. We streamlined the process of organizing and finding these events so the only thing you have to worry about it showing up.
Art Direction: Soonduk Krebs

Logo Design
It was important that this logo resemble all sports, while not being exclusive to just one. The use of a slab-serif type face references a traditional varsity style treatment, and reinforces the athletic component of this app. The grass silhouette is a clear reference to the field of play.

Consistency is always important for any branding and UX/UI project.I chose Henderson Slab as my header, because, like my logo, it is a slab-serif that goes well with the 'varsity' aesthetic. Avant Garde was chosen for the body copy to contrast the display type, and because it has perfect circles that references the balls used in so many sports.